Sunday, February 23, 2020

Persuasive research paper- concealed handgun laws Essay

Persuasive research paper- concealed handgun laws - Essay Example Pro Majority of the criminals are less daring to target individuals who are highly trained and fully equipped with weapons. Citizens must take privilege of this fact and utilize it for their personal protection. They must use the lawful approach for acquisition of legally authorized protective weapons. The armed officials can take absolute advantage of the fact that criminals mostly tend to attack people who are unarmed, and disguise themselves in general public attire to trap the criminals. In 2000, John Lott, PhD conducted a research that clearly asserted that â€Å"shall-issue† commandments have diminished slaughtering by 8.5%, intensified the attacks by 7%, abductions by 5%, and burglary by 3% (Wilson 60). Lott further clarified that if government would have passed the law of authorization of obscured handguns in 1992, which it dissolved in the year 1977, then 1570 assassinated people, 4177 abductions, 60,000 exaggerated attacks and 12000 burglaries would have been avoided in these fifteen years. The modified US bill clearly states that the possession of unrevealed handguns is absolutely lawful and it is not an offense. The modified US constitution further elaborates that there is no harm in legalizing the possession of hidden guns by private army personnel, and there is undoubtedly a dire need for such measures for the security of the people living in a democratic nation. According to the 1997 statistics of National Crime Victimization Assessment, the burglary and battering sufferers who had guns to protect themselves were less probably harassed or experienced a grievance, as compared to those implementing alternative techniques of self-protection, or those people who do not oppose at all in self defense (Wilson 55). Though carrying a concealed handgun is not always a necessity for a grown-up, but it undoubtedly generates a strong sense of self protection in an individual and delivers a state of liberation to go outdoors at night or in treacherous a reas. Many grown-ups who are lawfully carrying concealed handguns are honest and self controlled people who do not abuse their weapons and do not violate the county’s laws. In a report by William Sturdevant (2000) circulated by Texas Concealed Handgun Association website, the common man encounters a 5.7 times greater incidence of being lawfully punished for brutal crimes and 13.5 times more probable to be put up in police lock-ups for peaceful wrongdoings, than licensed hidden arms holders (Bird 38). Bearing a secret handgun possibly will aid in finishing public victimization extravaganzas. If there was a citizen carrying concealed handgun during the slaughtering incidents that were experienced during 1999 in the Columbine High School in Virgina Tech firing event on April 17,2009; then several lives could have been saved. The management cannot assure the security of its inhabitants (Elmer 2012). Every citizen must understand that it is their individual responsibility to prote ct themselves, their families and their community. Any citizen who considers himself bold enough to proudly take this responsibility, then government must not create an obstacle for that person in legal acquisition of concealed handguns. The question of importance that arises here is that if criminals can illegitimately avail concealed hand guns to victimize the innocent people, then why they should the responsible citizens suffer more by

Thursday, February 6, 2020

My opinion about Alternative Worlds Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

My opinion about Alternative Worlds - Article Example Megatrends describe the major and progressive changes that will define and shape the world in the near future. The world in 2030 will certainly be a lot different than the world at present as different factors, including individuals’ position, ownership of power, demography, and availability of food, water and energy, would have changed. According to the article, the major trends in the near future are likely to concern individual empowerment, diffusion of power, demographic patterns, and growing food, water and energy nexus. Each of these megatrends is discussed as below. Individual Empowerment refers to the individualistic power that people in future are likely to possess as compared to the present. In the next 15 to 20 years, the level of poverty is likely to reduce thus causing a rise in the number of people categorised as middle class in the entire world. Also, such people would be more educated, have access to modern communications and manufacturing technologies, as well as live in a world with better health-care facilities. This trend is significant as it determines the amount of power that an individual possesses. Unlike the present where individual power is limited, this trend will give people much say in matters that affect them. Diffusion of power describes power shift from powerful states such as United States and Europe, to other emerging economies in the world such as China and Brazil, and finally to non-state groups or coalitions. As other economies grow, it will be difficult for some few states such as the U.S. to assume total power. In addition, emergence of groups that own most factors of production and communication networks will cause power to further shift from states to amorphous coalitions. This trend is significant as powerful states such as United States will lost much of the power to the other players in global leadership. The third megatrend is in demographic patterns and this describes the composition and the nature of the