Thursday, December 19, 2019

Purgatory, By Dante And Virgil - 1122 Words

†¢ Intro: Imagine yourself, finished in this world and ready to go into the internal life. How do you think God will judge you? Were you someone generous, humility, loving, gentle, active, temperance, or Chasity? Do you believe that God would be proud in every single thing you have down on this earth? Well, for the most part, no everyone is Jesus and have all of those qualities. That is why Dante have written the world of Purgatory. Purgatory is a place after earth is a transformation process that helps every saved soul to perfect themselves for God. Through this process of transformation in Purgatory, a soul must accept, forgive, and learn from their sin in order to be in Heaven. †¢ 1st Paragraph Dante is truly a great poet. When he describes a place, he goes truly deeply than what’s on the surface. In Purgatory, when Dante and Virgil are walking through the gateway, Dante describes each step when walking in. â€Å"Once there, Dante and Virgil have to climb three steps to ascend to the gate (Purg. IX, 76-77; Sayers 1955b) which is guarded by an angel. These three steps signify the confession of sin, contrition for sin and satisfaction for sin†. He first describes the first step by saying, â€Å"We came to the first step: white marble gleaming/ so polished and so smooth that in its mirror/ I saw my true reflection past all seeming† (IX 94-96). In these first stanzas to the entrance of Purgatory demonstrates the color white as hope and desire of improvement. This is veryShow MoreRelatedDivine Love In The Inferno1232 Words   |  5 PagesDivine Comedy, Dante traverse through Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise. He is lead through the inferno by the ancient poet V irgil, and while Virgil is still present as a guide through Purgatory, there is a defined shift in his role. 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