Monday, May 25, 2020

BSBMKG513A Assessment Essay - 1161 Words

Task 1 One factor that is very important for companies that offered services and products is that they need to have a good marketing or a good strategy of promotion, these is the way to find customers and the target market of the company. All business needs to promote their product or services. Promotions can take many forms depending on the industry.In this case we are going to find the best way to make that an international English school in Australia could find the target market in New Delhi, India and build a strategy to increase the opportunities to gather more students of this country and make bigger the presence of the school in New Delhi in the best way. The Benefits of this analysis is that we are going to be able to identify†¦show more content†¦The results of this can help us to be sure that the project in India is working hell or not. 1. - How did you know about us? ( ) Advertisement ( ) Website ( ) Direct selling ( ) Other 2. - Why would you be interested in studying in our English course or the business program? ( ) Quality ( ) Good price ( ) Good study program ( ) Educational level 3. - How would you qualify you was attended? ( ) Excellent ( ) Very Good ( ) Good ( ) Bad 4. - What is your opinion about our school and the things that we offer? ( ) Excellent ( ) Very Good ( ) Good ( ) Bad 5. - After attending to this invitation, would you like to invest in our English school or the diploma of international business? ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Not sure 6. - What is your profession? ( ) Teacher ( ) Delegate ( ) Student ( ) Other 7. - Which of the following factors would beShow MoreRelatedmarketing plan Essay21150 Words   |  85 PagesAdvanced Diploma of Marketing (BSB60507). Included are details on how the new package is different from the previous training package (BSB01), and an offering of suggested strategies by which the units can be taught as well as sample assessment tools to support the assessment of learning under the revised Training Packages qualifications. Audience It is intended that Program Coordinators and teachers of Marketing, both contract and sessional, will derive the most use from this document. It is hoped

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